martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014

summary invictus


This story took place in south África, in 2011. It's about the president of south África, Nelson Mandela who wanted to join the black and white people and he did not know how to do it . Then, he remembered that he had a rugby team that had won the world championship. So with this game he tried to get black and white people together to cheer the team to win the world championship, so in one way they were joined. But the problem was that south África team was terribly bad playing so nobody wanted to cheer them. Then as time went by, the team progressed a lot and they entered the championship. At first nobody cheer them because they believed that they continue playing bad, but when they won the first match some people cheered them. Then they continued winning and more people cheered them and when they arrived to the final match all the country was cheering them. And the president was happy because he got what he wanted, black and white people to be together. Finally, they won the final match and they won the cup.

domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

Essay of "The Strange case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde

In writing we had to write an essay about "The Strange Case of Dr.jekyll and Mr.Hyde", and here is mine. I do it with JuanKos.

The Strange case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde" was a story written by Robert Louis Stevenson. It talked about a man called Henry Jekyll that wanted to divide his own into two parts,  the good and bad one. He obtained his goal but with bad results, not the espected ones. In this story the main themes were violence, duality of human nature and importance of reputation.

In connection with violence as a theme, Mr. Hyde used a lot of violence to solve many problems. Also he killed many people such as carew and in the Story of the Door  it said that Mr.Hyde kicked a girl that was on the street. " with ape-like fury, he was trampling his victim under foot, and hailing down a storm of blows"

In connection to duality of human nature, the behaviour of Mr.Hyde was exactly like an animal because he moved as an animal, he killed for pleasure not to eat. Also he had a lot of hair like an animal, he did not talk very well, so in one way he was an animal. Also his behaviour was primitive, not like a normal person. " it was on the moral side, and in my own person, that i learned to recognized the thorough and primitive duality of man"

In connection to the importante of reputation, Mr. Utterson could damage his own reputation if people discover that he knew who Mr.Hyde was. And also if he talked,  people would say that now was to late and so many people died. " here is another lesson to say nothing" " i am ashamed of my  long tongue. Let us make a bargain never to refer to this again"

In conclusion this themes were very good conected to the story because they assimilated the story with real things in life. In my opinion is a story a bit difficult to unterstand but this themes help you a lot.

domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2014


En plástica tuvimos que elegir una foto y ecribir palabras que para nosotros las describieran y con esas palabras armar un caligrama, acá esta el mio:
  Luego de eso tuvimos que elegir una palabra de todas y en base a eso hacer otro dibujo mi palabra era "diversión"acá   esta mi dibujo:

Luego de eso vimos los dibujos de todos y tuvimos que elegir uno y en base a ese crear una historia y en base a la historia hicimos un dibujo acá esta el mio: 
 Luego usando una escala de colores y sus adyacentes realizamos un dibujo,acá  esta el mío

martes, 28 de octubre de 2014

The Last Trip

Once upon a time,a tall an thin called George Newman, he was about thirty five years old and was living in South África with her wife Ann Filthy and ver son Charlie. George had lost ver work and he found work in Canadá, so he and his family had to travel yo that country, if they wanted to have money and live well. One month later , George had already paid for the passports to Canadá for him and his family. The next day, they went to the boarding to set off to Canadá.
When they arrived at the boat, a very respectful girl called Tiffany instantly hosted George and his family, and she accompained the family to their room. The captain Jhon told Tiffany  that she had to give to that family the worst room of the boat. When Tiffany asked why, Jhon said that was because they were black but Tiffany didn't want to do that and Jhon threatened that is she didn't do that, she would lose her work. So in one way Jhon was a racist and Tiffany was obliged to. Finally, Tiffany had to do what Jhon had said to ver and she had to give them the worst room.
When George and his family saw the room. They were surprised because that romm was perfect form them. They were living in bad conditions in South Africa, such as  a small house and her things were untidy, so when they saw the room they were comfortable and they really liked it. The trip took about thirteen days, so they had to be patient, eat , drink ansixn one way live in the boat.
When they were at the middle of the trip, in the day number six, something happened, a big and strong rain was coming from the north.
The captain announced
" Dear passengers and turists, a big and strong rain is coming so be strong and put all your things in a bag and stay in you room"
George was scared and said to his family that they had to go to the auxilary boats because he said that the big boat wouldn't resist the storm.
When they went to the auxilary boats they found Jhon trying to escape
" What are you doing here?", Jhon asked
" Escape, like you I think", George answered
" You can't use that boat, you are black!, exclaimed Jhon
"Ok, but allowed my wife and son to go"
Tiffany appearred and shot Jhon in his leg and helped Ann and her son to escape but Jhon cought and kicked her. Then Jhon pushed George and George fellin the auxilary boat but his wife and son were in another boat. George went one way and his wife and son to another, George stayed three days in the sea but finally he came to the coasts of Brazil. George was very happy and sad because he hadn't seen his wife and son, and that was the last time he ever saw them.

domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2014


En este proyecto tuvimos que elegir un elemento de la tabla periódica, el que mas nos gustara. Luego de elegir uno tuvimos que crear una presentación con el elemento que elegimos hablando sobre el, yo elegí el POTASIO

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

Intervención de Figuras Geometricas

Al finalizar el trabajo de plástica tuvimos que sacar fotos y después sacarnos una nosotros en un fondo blanco y recortarla. Usando el programa "pixlr" tuvimos que intervenir las imágenes y lograr un fondo para nuestra foto lleno de las fotos que habíamos sacado anteriormente. Acá les dejo mi foto de la intervención.

lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2014


En Plástica y Lengua estuvimos trabajando con las intervenciones y tu vimos que elegir un lugar en el colegio y en ese lugar empezar a trabajar, acá les dejo un par de fotos sobre el mio: