martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

Informal Letter

Dear Jeckyll

I´m writing this letter because I need to know some things, like: Why did you create the potion? Did you create it for good things or bad things? What is the taste of the potion?

I´m asking questions because when I listen to your story this are the first questions that came to my mind so I think that I can send you a letter asking this questions.

I think that you can destroy the potion so nobody can drink it, and turn into a monster. And if you are sad because of this you can create another potion that can came alive you wish, I don´t know how you can create it. I´m just giving to you some ideas.

Well, then I send you more letters because now I´m doing homework.


Artículo de diario sobre dosis de vacunas

Luego de leer un articulo del diario del 5/4/13 sobre las dosis de vacunas en la plata, hice un borrador de un mapa conceptual que habla de las 21.000 dosis en la plata.Al mismo tiempo este hablaba de las enfermedades que podrían aparecer en la la plata luego de la inundación ,y que iban casa por casa dando vacunas ya que unas podían ser mortales.