martes, 29 de octubre de 2013

Our Myth

A long time ago, in a place were we don't know...
There was castle with many things, servants, guards, horses, and medieval things.
Servants: "Wake up boss is time to launge!"
Bob: "Ohh my servants sorry that I wake up late. Can you bring me medicin because I am ill. Two days ago I was in a party, in the outside so I got ill."
-"When I was in the party I get angry with Cratos, according to him, he is the god of war. But I dont think so. He throw my drink out of my hand so I pump him in his head. If he try to boder me I will kill him." (Lean)

On the other day, when Bob get up he doesn't feel well so he tell to the servants to brought him some food, drinks and also medicine. Spending the time in which the servants comes the disease was getting worse, Bob was starting to blow more strongest.
When the servants arrive Bob blow her and punch some servants. Because of that anyone wants to enter to his room because of his disease. All the people were scared of Bob because of his very strong disease, so Bob was feeling very sad because he cannot see her friends. One day a group of servants took courage and entered.(seba)

When the four  servants came with the food,drink and medicines Bob sneezed  and they  blew away. He was very sad because they were very good friends.He was going to haier other servants because Bob wanted helped.But the day before to hiring  them  the four servants went to kill him with a knife.
Bob:Ohh my servants sorry that I blow up I am very ill can you forgive me ?
Servants:No we will kill you because you have been very cruel and bad with us.
Bob:Sorry I was always very selfish and I am afraid to stay alone.You are my only friends
Servants:And why you were going to hire others servants? we were always good with you we never disappoint you. ( santi)

BOB: seriously  i'm so sorry but i have some allergies that make me sneeze , i don't do it on purpose how i could fix it ?.  
SERVANTS: well you can start to be less selfish , and to treat us like if we were like goads.
BOB: I will never treat you like if you were gods ,I am the only person who deserves to be well treated.
SERVANTS: then we leave no choice to kill you , and we are going to have a very nice party on your RIP when you were dead under the ground.
Then the four servants start stabbing him like if he were an animal.( juan)

lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

La Importancia Del Agua En Los Seres Vivos

En clase de naturales tuvimos elaborar un mapa conceptual mostrando la funciones del agua en los seres vivos, aquí les mostrare un popplet enseñando sus funciones de manera escrita.

Ahora el mapa conceptual lo tuvimos que pasar a un mapa visual donde en este caso yo lo dibuje y le saque una foto aquí se los muestro


Libro, La Importancia De El Agua

martes, 8 de octubre de 2013


TITO: Cristina, I don’t have a pencil. Do you have a pencil for me?
CRISTINA: No, I don’t but you should have pencil and you cannot come to school without a pencil.
TITO: Well, sorry miss
CRISTINA: Okay, does somebody have a pencil for Tito?
RAMON: Me I have a pencil to give him but I don’t want to give it, because Tito bothers me and Hector all the time.
TITO: no I don’t bother you.
HECTOR: Yes, all the time.
CRISTINA: is That  true?, because if it is true you have to go to the director office.

CRISTINA:  Please tell the truth.

lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013

Construcción de un poema

1.Pensamos 5 elementos, acciones, sentimientos o sensaciones que asociamos a la noche.
2.Utilizamos esos 5 elementos para crear
a-Una comparación
b-Una metáfora
c- Un Hipérbaton
d-2 Imágenes Sensoriales