viernes, 9 de agosto de 2013

The Day the Mountain Blew Apart

In this assigment I will show you a historical narrative about a volcano that erupted and it killled a lot of people and nature.Is a historical narrative because was based on a real event.

•Jerry Wheeler and David Jhonston were in the mountain when it erupted. Wheeler survived but Jhonson die in that moment.
•Magma had been rising inside the mountain, making a lot of present until it erupted.
•It had the force of 40M tuns of dinamite.

•All the place is destroy and devatastated.
•57 people died.
•Everything was covered with ashes smoke and fire.
•The forest, plants and animals disappeared and died.
•"GHOST TOWN"=> Everyone stayed inside their houses and didn't go out because they couldn't bredthe.

•Gophers helped because they brought the rich soil up to the surface, wich helped new plants grow.
•Elk bones also helped new plants grow because of the nutrients they had.
•It will take wore than a hundred years to have everything as it was before the eruption.

Here is a photo about the mountain Helen , that now is a volcano.

In my opinion this things about volcanos are a little bored but a the same time are interesting so I like a little bit this protect.

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